Too often in the business world, we confine marketing to a certain individual or department whose sole responsibility is to develop ads, posters, mailers, web sites and social media profiles that are supposed to catch people’s attention and get them in our doors. This department needs to convince people that our products, services, courses, groups, resources are the best out there, and that they are missing out by not coming to our business.

While it’s always a smart idea to hire professionals to handle such tasks, business owners need to understand that marketing is more than just a department, more than just creating ads and catchy slogans to get people to come in.

Marketing is about everyone in your business working together to craft an experience.

When marketing is confined to an individual or department, an inconsistency within your business is bound to happen. Your marketing professionals will come up with a great sounding slogan or ad campaign – maybe about how you offer exceptional customer service (who isn’t looking for that?), or a sense of belonging (a great thing to find in an organization) – but if that slogan or ad campaign doesn’t permeate everything you do, people will see right through it.

How you welcome people as they walk in your doors is just as much a part of your marketing campaign as the ad you put in the paper. The ease in which people can find answers or get help, the usability of your web site, the availability of employees and staff, even the understandability of your signs all are a part of what it means to market your business.

Don’t think that sending out a direct mail piece praising your exceptional customer service is going to work if customers have to wait in long check-out lines. Or don’t think that a slogan about being a church based on community will carry any weight if no one but paid staff or volunteer workers even acknowledge the existence of a visitor.

Everything you do in your business IS an extension of marketing. If customers or visitors see that your actions within your business match your words about your business, they are more likely to return and recommend you to others.

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